Holy mother of React! It's the...

Exceptional Frontend Newsletter!

Most other tech newsletters are very formal and dry. They’re either telling you “everything you should do as a developer” or they give you a list of links around a topic you should read.

Exceptional Frontend is a story-first newsletter.

I write about fun lessons and experiences I learned about being a better frontend engineer. Everything from marketing yourself and showing the real value of your work to asking powerful questions, earning promotions, and mastering how to learn.

150+ devs follow the most entertaining frontend newsletter in the world

Here's what they have to say:

  • "As a total newbie on this newsletter, I got to say, it's AWESOME! I never laughed so hard"
    - Cara Walter, UX and Software Developer
  • "I never would have thought that a newsletter would leave me that hyped for the next e-mail!"
    - Kevin Just, Senior Software Engineer in Frontend
  • "Oh Mauro! When I tell you I have been at my desk doing my very best not to cackle like a maniac 😂 Thanks for the laughs AND the education"
    - Brooke Sweedar, Software Engineer
  • "This gets better each day 😄"
    - Victor Calabro, Website Designer Specialist

This is me 👆

I'm Mauro Accorinti!

October 21, 2022
9:30am Pacific Time

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