
Exceptional Frontend

A story-first newsletter for frontend devs who want to stand out, earn more, and engineer their ideal career

Graduating the "how to become a better frontend developer" army bootcamp (part 4)

Hello maggots Welcome to the final class on how to become a better front-end developer. My name is Mauro Accorinti, and I will be your graduation drill sergeant for this email. About to give you a high-five for almost finishing the boot camp (Pssss... In case you missed it, I started a 4 part series on becoming a better frontend developer. The first part is here, the second part is here, and the third part is here. This is the fourth and last part.) Let's finish this boot camp!Ready? Get...

The "how to become a better frontend developer" army bootcamp (part 3)

ALRIGHT YOU MAGGOTS Welcome to class 103 on how to become a better front-end developer. My name is Mauro Accorinti, and I will be your drill sergeant for this email. I'm still screaming at you throughout these emails. It helps make it an accurate experience! (Pssss... In case you missed it, I started a 4 part series on becoming a better frontend developer. The first part is here and the second part is here) WHAT DID WE LEARN LAST EMAIL CADET?! You get called out. The sergeant is looking at...
Drill Sergeant screaming at a cadet at full volume

The "how to become a better frontend developer" army bootcamp (part 2)

ALRIGHT YOU MAGGOTS Welcome to class 102 on how to become a better front-end developer. My name is Mauro Accorinti and I will be your drill sergeant for this email. Please continue imagining I'm screaming at you throughout this email for the most accurate experience possible (Pssss... In case you missed it, I started a 4 part series on becoming a better frontend developer. The first part is here) Let's see if your tiny little developer brains can remember what we learned last time I taught...
Drill Sergeant screaming at a cadet at full volume

The "how to become a better frontend developer" army bootcamp (part 1)

ALRIGHT YOU MAGGOTS Welcome to class 101 on how to become a better front-end developer. My name is Mauro Accorinti and I will be your drill sergeant for the next few emails. Imagine I'm screaming at you throughout this email like this for the most accurate experience possible (Pssss... In case you missed it, I asked on LinkedIn last week what frontend developers want to learn and what I should write about for the next few emails. Half voted for "Become a better frontend developer." And so,...

Streaming over the web at the speed of light

Technology has advanced faster than I could ever imagine Years ago, the things we're doing now would be UNTHINKABLE. We're going even further beyond what anybody could think of doing. Isn't it beautiful? 🥹 Wait, you think I'm talking about AI? The Chinese did what? Deepseek who? Pffff, no no no my dear developer, I'm talking about the advances in networking!! 😄 I'm currently on vacation, about 400 kilometers away from home I left my Playstation 4 sleeping before I left. Every few days, just...

How to prevent critical errors and mistakes (12 hours left)

I was put in a very sticky situation earlier this month Let's just say I had to use dozens of cherry-picks to merge a huge pull request to production. Now, if you're even a half-decent developer, you know that this is a massive, HUMONGOUSLY BIG nono. If you're not familiar, a git cherry-pick is a command you can do in your project's terminal that lets you pick up a commit from one branch and apply it to another. It's an alternative way to pass changes to another branch without directly...

1 tip to make your CV stand out in 2025

The other day I got a LinkedIn message from a recruiter "Hey Mauro! We're blah blah blah from blah blah! An important x company that works in the blah blah space. I'm here to tell you about..." Let me just skim here... "We're looking for a technical SEO and CRO-focused Senior Front-End Developer and I believe you could be a great match!" Oooh! This is the first time I heard about a front-end role that dips its toes into marketing. CRO stands for Conversion Rate Optimization and it's the...
With blackjack and hookers

Hosting a going away party

A coworker of mine is leaving the company I work at next week It was quite a bit shocking for us as a team. This guy has become a wonderful part of our day-to-day and made the general work environment better. So after the initial shock, my co-worker Charlotte started talking to me on Teams a bit later. Hey Mauro, how you doing? I heard about the Brian thing. Super sad 😿 Heyoo Charlie! Yeaah, it stung to hear 😿 But it's for the best! So we'll support him!! Absolutely! He's going to get the...
It's a mystery, and it will always be a mystery scene from willy wonka

"You got mail"

These last 3 days I've been working on an OTP implementation for a login page OTP stands for "One-Time-Password". Do you know how, on some web pages, you try to log in but can't until you insert a code sent to your email? This was an implementation of that. We use test accounts to work locally and in our implementation environments. These accounts were made a looong time ago, and we use them whenever we need to log into that environment. So, I grabbed a random account from the list that's...

Framing the truth in frontend development

"My son hasn't come to visit me at my house in over a month" 🥺 We're at a small gathering with some of my dad's cousins when I hear this little gem of a quote leave his lips. He was telling his cousin this when I interjected. "Umm, father? Why are you saying that?" "Because it's true! You haven't come to visit in so long 😔" "But you do know that last month, we had the water tank issue at my house, and you've been coming over a few times a week to help me with it. Plus we've been going out to...

A story-first newsletter for frontend devs who want to stand out, earn more, and engineer their ideal career